Monday 25 June 2018

How to Unlock the Power of Visual Memory to Induce Sales?

We cannot deny the fact that the world today is going digital and transforming itself into a sea of knowledge. This knowledge is attained through visual attention and memory recall. A group of neuroscientists in the Netherlands conducted a study on memory by first examining a unique group of subjects who were known as memory athletes. These individuals were able to perform incredible accomplishments, demonstrating their recalling power. They memorized the order of a deck of cards by looking at those and recalled the same in under a minute. Such experiments involving testing the brain's power of recalling visual images therefore show a degree of accuracy of 94%. It is this power of visual memory that matters and can be used through various mediums that help to unlock it.

One such medium is the visual media that utilizes the power of visual storytelling.  Visual media brings along with it an idea with information that is put before the viewers. These viewers, who are acting like subjects, will then be able to recall the information effectively.

How is it done?

Promotion that is done to induce sales is all about recalling the brand and the product that is proposed for sale. If we take into account, the experiment with memory athletes as explained earlier, the memory athletes were able to perform well and this happened because the subjects were open to looking at images which made then more responsive to recall more. This same technique is applied by videos to unlock the power of visual memory and thereby increase sales.

Use of Images

Looking into the changing trends of the marketing world, videos with images can relate more to what the audiences want to engage themselves in. As a result of how they engage themselves, viewers can take action after looking at the video images specifically created to generate sales. Images of product and services and the presentation of the same in such videos help in unlocking the visual memory thereby inducing sale.

Step by Step Approach

Promotional videos break down information into steps that eventually culminate in proposing the product for sale. It is a seller buyer relationship building strategy where the information is broken down into steps concentrating upon the key elements and then using them effectively to promote a product or a service. Most new information about the product becomes more memorable when it is broken down into smaller pieces. The audience can, therefore connect and take specific call to action leading to actual sale of the product.

Sharing Ideas

Videos are soon becoming potential channels where we can share ideas to the extent of making it visually interactive. Videos also help in reviving the sales conversation giving utmost importance to the product, describing its usefulness, explaining it in the video and giving great value to the product by depicting ideas which is shared in the sales proposal. This is brought forth with the help of whiteboard drawings, screen-captures, etc.

The point of conclusion therefore brings us close to the fact that videos explain about the product with an intention to sell. A video can unlock the power of visual attention. It is used to engage the audience and propose the selling of product and services through images, breaking down information into steps and sharing ideas to induce a potential sale.

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