Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Working from Home- How Sincere are we to ourselves?

"There is a profound connection between one’s own happiness and the happiness of others. The greatest personal satisfaction and fulfillment in life is realized by working for the happiness of others. " - Nichiren Daishonin

Life is not the same after the Corona Virus outbreak. As the government passes a directive to lock down cities and restrict people to venture outside, we are bound to work from home to avoid exposure. When working from home is the only way out, we should rightfully utilize this opportunity to offer full support to the organizations we are working for. 

The need of the hour is to think deeply. Even in moments of crises, companies are concerned about the well-being of their employees. Everything relies over trust and we, as employees, have the moral responsibility to abide by the same. We should be standing true to ourselves, and keep up to the trust that our employers have shown on us. 

In such a scenario, when employers are concerned whether those working from home, have adequate resources like- laptops, chargers, headsets, remote desktop environments, VPNs, messaging, and phones, etc. There are instances, where employees are setting up examples for others to follow. Professionals get up in the morning, all dressed up to login on time and report to their managers. They are taking short breaks, only to resume work and try to give more than 100%. . 

For those having toddlers around, work all day, locked up in rooms, so that they can work without any hindrance. Motivational talks and reporting is done through Skype, amidst jokes being cracked to keep things going. Managers are available for every small or big challenge, working productively, and also boosting their team members to work harder and add more value to their assigned tasks. 

Now is the time we identify ourselves? Are we among those who are highly professional and inspirational or those who take things casually? Are we ready to understand the gravity of the ongoing onslaught? We are the only ones who can answer that. 

We should find happiness and give happiness by working sincerely for our organization. In short, by working from home diligently, we will be contributing to the success of our organization and adding more feathers to the cap. As we save more time, we can explore, and learn new tools to be more productive and collaborate closely. In this way, we will be taking initiatives for the betterment of our organization and find a sense of satisfaction in giving our best even when working from home. 

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